Friday, March 11, 2016

A Citizen’s Guide to Combating Election Propaganda: Debunking Anti-Welfare Myths

In his article,"A Citizen's Guide to Combating Election Propaganda: Debunking Anti-Welfare Myths, (found in, Arthur Dimaggio presents evidence to help refute pre-existing prejudices against the poor. He points out those who receive welfare and government assistance are considered lazy freeloaders, who drive Cadillacs, and he wants to fight back against the racist, classist stereotypes. As Dimaggio says, "Many conservatives have been socialized by parents, friends and political elites without looking into actual evidence."

As a conservative and someone who believes it is moral and right and often a blessing to help those who have less and are in need, I have to stop and wonder how we can differ so much and agree at the same time. I agree with Dimaggio that we too often judge others whose circumstances place them in need of assistance and vulnerability. But in a free society there will always be more successful people and less successful people, rich and poor, if you will. Is it better to take away freedom in order that everything is equal? Wasn't liberty the reason this country was founded?

According to his article Dimaggio tackles anti-welfare claims, "head-on" as he shows how the U.S. is the least committed of all wealthy countries to taxing and spending on all types of social programs.
I may not be the most informed American but I know that America is not a "wealthy country," at least not any more. America is no longer the land of opportunity, in fact, it only ranks 20th in terms of overall gross pay. "Welfare is the best paying entry level job in 35 states in this country," according to David Hodges,

According to the U.S Census Bureau more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one Welfare program run by the Federal Government, not including mas entitlement programs of social security or medicare. People on food stamps, 47.9 million Americans. Ninety million unemployed Americans are no longer looking for work. The nation is hopelessly addicted to living in the welfare state! Can we continue to believe everything is fine in this Country?! Government needs to allow people the privilege and right to have success and to govern themselves morally in regards to the poor, not tax the devil out of citizens by trying to make everyone equal.

After reading Dimaggio's article and taking careful consideration, I conclude that America's biggest problem is in trying to make government the answer to all social problems. I believe people generally are good, I see goodness all around and I believe this democracy thrives when citizens pursue a dream, and have a drive to succeed. We must not be a society that judges others because of their success, or the lack thereof.